Friday 11 December 2015

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...Waiting eagerly with a bouquet of rose 

Being so fragrant with radiant hues 

With my thread of love I knitted the flowers 
Opening the door, standing long hours! 

I 'll caress your cheeks with tender rose petals 
And wash your feet with morning dews on rose. 

Tenderly I'll soak them with an endearing smile 
With many more soft petals lying thereby. 

Welcoming you over a flower laden aisle 
I kept your throne decorated with love. 

Do you remember the day we married 
Under the chandelier with glittering light? 

People were blessing us, showering rose 
We two were enjoying being so content! 

Why had you been so hurry to exit 
And turned your face away in in the mist? 

Why have you deserted me so miserably alone 
Only to muse on and beg you with tears? 

I still await you with all my zests 
With a handful of yellow rose of your choice! 
friend sent me... 

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