Wednesday 16 December 2015

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls: html code <br><center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="h...Today I sit and think a while,

while underneath the blue. 
Tomorrow I will show a smile,
as soon as I see you.

Today I dream a simple thing,
though it seems so unreal.
Tomorrow I'll still be in spring,
since it is you I feel.

Today I love the things you say,
and everything you do.
Tomorrow I'll still feel this way,
for I've fallen for you. 

Today I wonder how you are,
worrying too much.
Tomorrow it won't be as far,
close enough to touch.

Today I recall the things I've seen,
but no one quite like this.
Tomorrow you'll still be so pristine,
I can't wait till we kiss. 

Today I dream tomorrow,
tomorrow I'll dream today.
I'll never be in sorrow,
as long as I feel this way.

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