Sunday 1 November 2020

Decent Image Scraps: Flower Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Flower Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="https://1.bp.blogs...Please don't mistake a smile for warmth, it's not
   Behind the surgeon's smile sure lurks a knife
That pal at work you hang out with a lot
   Will cut your heart out, ruin your very life

When young, we think we have a million friends
   We laugh, we play, we think that life is great
Though really they pursue their selfish ends
   So easy for their love to turn to hate  

True warmth won't turn you out in winter's cold
   It cooks a hearty meal for you at night
It also will take care of you when old
   It sympathizes with your every plight

Look past that smile, my friend, and see the heart
   ~ The best advice to you I can impart

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