Saturday 11 April 2015

Decent Image Scraps: Miss You Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Miss You Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...A Story to be Told

Silent days, lonely nights and thoughts of you are all I have.
For being close to you is only a dream that I know will never come true.
My heart was telling me a different story.
It was a story of you and me, and in this story we could be.

No heart ache and no tears.
In this story you settled all my fears.

Best friends, true friends are what defines you and I.
Our love is as clear as the clear blue sky.

This is only the story that my heart tells.
For I know that it will not come true.
But still I care for you.

Even though I know that you only care for me as a friend
I want you to know that my feelings will be there till the end.

You will always hold a special place in my heart
And me and those feeling will never part.

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