Wednesday 18 March 2015

Decent Image Scraps: Couple Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Couple Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...

    We are as the flute, and the music in us is from thee;
    we are as the mountain and the echo in us is from thee.

     We are as pieces of chess engaged in victory and defeat:
    our victory and defeat is from thee, O thou whose qualities are comely!

     Who are we, O Thou soul of our souls,
    that we should remain in being beside thee?

     We and our existences are really non-existence;
    thou art the absolute Being which manifests the perishable.

     We all are lions, but lions on a banner:
    because of the wind they are rushing onward from moment to moment.

     Their onward rush is visible, and the wind is unseen:
    may that which is unseen not fail from us!

     Our wind whereby we are moved and our being are of thy gift;
    our whole existence is from thy bringing into being.

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