Tuesday 10 March 2015

Decent Image Scraps: Couple Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Couple Animation: html code <center><a href="http://decentscraps.blogspot.com" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...

My Perfect

I've trawled the oceans,
the rivers and the seas
seeking something that's so special
the likes I've never seen.

I've searched the beaches
far and wide
the coves and pools so deep
But never have I found
the item of my quest.

I've even tried the shops
the factories and jewelers too
To no avail
this thing cannot be found.

I've been around the world
asking on my way
but nobody can tell me,
where it lies
or whether it is under, or
just laying on the ground.

My search has been in vain,
to find this perfect piece
no matter how I try
the answer's just the same.

"No we've never seen it,
look some other place".

Now after all these years
of disappointment and distress
I've given up the chase.
Because, now I've found what
I was looking for.

My perfect pearl is you.

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