Wednesday 11 March 2015

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls: html code <br><center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="h...


Take my hand when my eyes weep.
Hold me gently in your arms.
Finger my curls, as I sleep.
Dazzle me with all your charm.

Provide me time and space.
Listen closely when I speak.
Secure in your life my place.
Support me the times I'm weak.

Cherish our time together.
Dread any time we're apart.
Mean when you say forever.
Let my absence gnaw your heart.

And let all my joys be yours.
Let my sorrows be as well.
And share relationship chores.
Mind your ego, lest it swell.

And I beg you never fight.
Let us walk our time in peace.
With a kiss for every night,
Let our passions never cease.

But above all these my dove,
Swear always that you'll be true.
For's not you I ask these of -
They're my promises to you.

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