Monday 16 December 2019

Rekha Bhardwaj - Phir Le Aaya Dil

Again the heart has brought

the helpless heart has brought me here again, what to do,
staying away wasn't good to me, what to do..
the heart says go complete-
that talk that remains still incomplete,
that memory that remains still incomplete,
that memory that remains still incomplete..
today I admit, what to do,
there was a mistake that I did, what to do,
the heart says, go get it,
that one suppressed wish that is there (in the heart)..
that one suppressed spark that is there,
that one suppressed spark that is there..
that one suppressed spark that is there..
The fate wishes this, what to do,
let us keep meeting as we do, what to do,
the heart says, go make it forever,
that stuck path that is there,
that stuck wish that is there..
that stuck love that is there..
that stuck love that is there..