Friday 30 October 2015

Decent Image Scraps: Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...

Friday 23 October 2015

Decent Image Scraps: Couple Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Couple Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“Romantic haste in drama brings

tears and sighs when the hero dies
but the curtain fall is final
when in life we take the tragic way
The sunset too is a glorious thing
but with it ends the day.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Romantic Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Romantic Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“When they’re together, the world could fall apart around them and they’d never notice or care as long as they have each other.

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“your hand

touching mine.
this is how

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“We ruined each other by being together. We destroyed each other’s dreams.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“There is a desire within each of us,

in the deep center of ourselves 
that we call our heart.
We were born with it, 
it is never completely satisfied,
and it never dies.
We are often unaware of it, 
but it is always awake.

It is the Human desire for Love.
Every person in this Earth yearns to love,
to be loved, to know love.
Our true identity, our reason for being
is to be found in this desire.

Love is the "why" of life,
why we are functioning at all.
I am convinced
it is the fundamental energy 
of the human spirit.
the fuel on which we run,
the wellspring of our vitality.

And grace, 
which is the flowing,
creative activity, of love itself,
is what makes all goodness possible.

Love should come first,
it should be the beginning of,
and the reason for everything.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“Love, like everything else in life, should be a discovery, an adventure, and like most adventures, you don’t know you’re having one until you’re right in the middle of it.” 

Thursday 22 October 2015

Decent Image Scraps: Romantic

Decent Image Scraps: Romantic: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...I feel the heat of the fire

walking gracefully across my skin,
touching me deeper and higher.
And I am so content within.
I see the languid, soothing dance of the flames
enveloping my being in loving games,
playing adoringly, oh, what a precious view!
And I see you.
You make my soul burn
with every word,
every touch,
every kiss.
And it is all that I yearn.

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Rose

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Rose: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“there is nothing more beautiful in life 

than celebrating the talents, dreams, 
joys, and accomplishments of another being 
to see - and call attention to - the best in someone else...” 

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls: html code <br><center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="h...“Work hard in the day; as hard as you can even if no one is watching you! Work harder in the night with Rana; as harder as if everyone's eyes are on you.”

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls: html code <br><center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=...“We scarcely know how much of our pleasure and interest in life comes to us through our eyes until we have to do without them; and part of that pleasure is that the eyes can choose where to look. But the ears can't choose where to listen.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls: html code <br><center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=...“We scarcely know how much of our pleasure and interest in life comes to us through our eyes until we have to do without them; and part of that pleasure is that the eyes can choose where to look. But the ears can't choose where to listen.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls: html code <br><center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=...“So with curious eyes and sick surmise

We watched him day by day,
And wondered if each one of us
Would end the self-same way,
For none can tell to what red Hell
His sightless soul may stray.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls: html code <br><center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=...“You shine like the sun and you move like water. Your eyes are the perfect mix of gray and brown, like fog in the woods, and you smell like lilacs in the summer. I think if you laughed, it would sound like music.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“YOU YOU YOU

your eyes, thick as a high school scrapbook
crackling and yellow, curling at the edges
a book of myths
in which i do not appear.” 

Sunday 4 October 2015

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls: html code <br><center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="h...“I wanted all things

To seem to make some sense,
So we could all be happy, yes,
Instead of tense.
And I made up lies
So that they all fit nice,
And I made this sad world
A par-a-dise.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Nature Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Nature Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“There is a pleasure in the pathless woods,

There is a rapture on the lonely shore,
There is society, where none intrudes,
By the deep sea, and music in its roar:
I love not man the less, but Nature more” 

Decent Image Scraps: Love Animated

Decent Image Scraps: Love Animated: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“Whoever has no house now, will never have one.

Whoever is alone will stay alone,
will sit, read, write long letters through the evening,
and wander on the boulevards, up and down,
restlessly, while dry leaves are blowing.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Love Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Love Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“If you learn to really sit with loneliness and embrace it for the gift that it is…an opportunity to get to know YOU, to learn how strong you really are, to depend on no one but YOU for your happiness…you will realize that a little loneliness goes a LONG way in creating a richer, deeper, more vibrant and colorful YOU.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Rose Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Rose Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http://4.bp.blogsp...“Suddenly this defeat.

This rain.
The blues gone gray
And the browns gone gray
And yellow
A terrible amber.
In the cold streets
Your warm body.
In whatever room
Your warm body.
Among all the people
Your absence
The people who are always
Not you.

I have been easy with trees
Too long.
Too familiar with mountains.
Joy has been a habit.
This rain.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Love Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Love Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“Sometimes life is too hard to be alone, and sometimes life is too good to be alone.”