Friday 31 July 2015

jyoti kalash chhalke.. lata - shudhir phadke - narendra sharma... a tri...

“Kindness suits you."

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls: html code <br><center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=&...“I've often wondered what makes a relationship last. I guess the best answer is it's the one right after the next to the last one.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girl

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girl: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/ name makes me blush

one smile dries my tears away
one touch brings a chill through my spine
one footstep increases my heart beats
one presence makes me nervous
one voice seems to be an angelic tune of care and concern
one question troubles me all the time
can you be mine??

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...I have vertigo. Vertigo makes it feel like the floor is pitching up and down. Things seem to be spinning. It's like standing on the deck of a ship in really high seas.

Decent Image Scraps: Marilyn Monroe Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Marilyn Monroe Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blankI learned that life will go through changes - up and down and up again. It's what life does."><img src="http:/...

Thursday 30 July 2015

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...My personality is up and down, sassy and cheeky.

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls: html code <br><center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=...One day, I'll dialogue with you face-to-face.

However, my cowardice exceeds my fortitude.
One night, you'll drive with me from place-to-place 
but for now I'm on an imaginative longitude.
One life, we'll walk a love together pace-to pace 
with a monogamous and prosperous attitude.
Yet for now somehow I have already loved you 
I just need to prove it you at some time but not now.
I want you. Anonymous Abyss*;_;*

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls: html code <br><center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=...“God who gave Animals self motion beyond our understanding is without doubt able to implant other principles of motion in bodies [which] we may understand as little. Some would readily grant this may be a Spiritual one; yet a mechanical one might be showne, did not I think it better to pass it by.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“Nothing is in motion. Nothing flows. Nothing is vibrating. Time is in motion. Time flows. Time is vibrating.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...listen to wind when I am not there with you

for as dries you tears away it will tell you of my love
as you walk in the field, I am not there to walk with you
listen to the lark, it will sing of my love for you
when late at nigh I am not there to hold you
Dream of tomorrow will find me there

Decent Image Scraps: Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...I suddenly froze in my place

I didn't know what to do
He moved closer to my face
I didn't know where to look
I dreamily closed my eyes
My whole body shook
His soft lips brushed mine
My heart beats loud
Was everything to be fine?
I opened my eyes
and he opened his
something inside me sighs
He smiles at me
I smile back in bliss
because this was
my very first kiss

Decent Image Scraps: Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“We are like some particle in motion always moving and meeting other particle.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Parrot Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Parrot Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“The more I teach, the more I realize that I know nothing.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Color Your Life

Decent Image Scraps: Color Your Life: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“People forget your goodness; teach thing something so they can always remember.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Wink Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Wink Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“... for you will never, I trust, disconnect what you may yourselves be learning from the hope and prospect of being enabled thereby to teach others more effectually. If you do, and your studies in this way become a selfish thing, if you are content to leave them barren of all profit to others, of this you may be sure, that in the end they will prove not less barren of profit to yourselves. In one noble line Chaucer has characterized the true scholar:- "And gladly would he learn and gladly teach." Resolve that in the spirit of this line you will work and live.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“You should never use propaganda to teach kids the truth.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“You should never use propaganda to teach kids the truth.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Kids Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Kids Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“Teach your children that a person is more valuable than any treasure found on this earth, teach them to love, teach them to sing, and dance, teach them to be courageous, and tell them they will be victorious on anything they put their heart and mind to, teach them honesty, and to never give up hope.”

Decent Image Scraps: Kids Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Kids Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“Teach your children that a person is more valuable than any treasure found on this earth, teach them to love, teach them to sing, and dance, teach them to be courageous, and tell them they will be victorious on anything they put their heart and mind to, teach them honesty, and to never give up hope.”

Decent Image Scraps: Kids Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Kids Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“Teach your children that a person is more valuable than any treasure found on this earth, teach them to love, teach them to sing, and dance, teach them to be courageous, and tell them they will be victorious on anything they put their heart and mind to, teach them honesty, and to never give up hope.”

Decent Image Scraps: Kids Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Kids Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“Teach your children that a person is more valuable than any treasure found on this earth, teach them to love, teach them to sing, and dance, teach them to be courageous, and tell them they will be victorious on anything they put their heart and mind to, teach them honesty, and to never give up hope.”

Decent Image Scraps: Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“Teach me love and I will impress you by getting the highest marks.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“Science teaches to think but love teaches to smile.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Cute Girl Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Cute Girl Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“What you do teaches faster, and has a lasting impression, far beyond what you say.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Animated Kid

Decent Image Scraps: Animated Kid: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“If they can't learn the way we teach, we teach the way they learn” 

Decent Image Scraps: Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“We must teach our children to dream with their eyes open.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Animated Bird

Decent Image Scraps: Animated Bird: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“One thing: you have to walk, and create the way by your walking; you will not find a ready-made path. It is not so cheap, to reach to the ultimate realization of truth. You will have to create the path by walking yourself; the path is not ready-made, lying there and waiting for you. It is just like the sky: the birds fly, but they don't leave any footprints. You cannot follow them; there are no footprints left behind.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Nature

Decent Image Scraps: Nature: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“Our world needs less gurus, and more teachers. Gurus are about helping themselves become successful. Teachers are about helping others become successful.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Nature

Decent Image Scraps: Nature: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“A wise man can say a foolish thing at any time, anywhere, and to anybody.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Nature Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Nature Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...My heart is weak, my soul is deep with words I can speak

But, would you listen, understand or even believe
So I prefer to show you in actions, take you through a journey of my thoughts
So when words are spoken then walls are broken 
and you believe in my love
Because my heart is weak, my soul is deep with words I can speak
Do you believe

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Roses

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Roses: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“A true teacher would never tell you what to do. But he would give you the knowledge with which you could decide what would be best for you to do.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Animated Rose

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Animated Rose: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“The Teacher provides Spiritual Energy! Just like roots provide nutrients to the flowers!” 

Decent Image Scraps: Nature Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Nature Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“Guru is not the goal. Anyone who establishes himself as a guru to be worshipped is not a guru. Guru is like a boat for crossing the river. It is important to have a good boat and it is very dangerous to have a boat that is leaking. The boat brings you across the river. When the river is crossed the boat is no longer necessary. You don't hang onto the boat after completing the journey, and you certainly don't worship the boat.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“Which of us is not saying to himself

which of us has not been saying to himself all
his life:
I shall alter that when I have a little
more time"?
We never shall have any more time. We
have, and we have always had, all the time
there is.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“Because the truth is, as committed as I am to clearing my energy and only focusing on the good, positive things that I want, life is still life.It's still tough, complicated, and more than a little messy, with lessons to be learned, mistakes to be made, triumphs and disappointments to be had, and not every day is meant to be a party.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Rose Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Rose Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“A crowd of drunken lovers. Newspaper 

hats, new couples falling from couches and love- 
seats—the pleasure remembered, 
never the regret.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“Let everything happen to you

Beauty and terror

Just keep going

No feeling is final”

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” 

Wednesday 29 July 2015

Asha Parekh Superhit Song Collection - Jukebox 1 - Evergreen Bollywood S...

Decent Image Scraps: Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“You're a kid. I didn't know we taught kids manners anymore.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Tiger Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Tiger Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“An animal's eyes have the power to speak a great language.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Tiger Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Tiger Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“An animal's eyes have the power to speak a great language.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...Is it love or lack thereof that stays his prying eyes?

Were he to look, it would take not long
for him to find
the dust has not settled on this story of you and me
for I still pick up our book,
gently stroke the spine,
stray through the years of pages that tell
of stars crossed and ships sailed,
forever moments bound by ink and quill.
I read our story and skip the ending each time.

You have a new book now;
a new author to fill in your heart and
spill color onto the black & white.
She'll write an ending that puts ours
to shame, but (please) don't
forget who wrote us first.
You and I, the original cliche.

Decent Image Scraps: Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“A cliche is a cliche because it works” 

Decent Image Scraps: Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...I love you more every day,

My name I long for you to say.
Do you know just how I feel?
Do you know this love is real?
Sometimes I wonder what you think.
When you hear my name, do your cheeks turn pink?
Do you dream about me every night?
Wish to hug me and hold me tight?
Do you think we're meant to be?
Together forever, you and me?
These are the questions that run through my mind,
Your way into my heart, you did find.
It drives me crazy as to what I should do,
Should I risk a friendship and confess to you?
Or should I keep my feelings inside,
Keep them locked up, let them hide?
I just don't know what to do anymore,
My heart it aches, my heart it's sore.
I love you more than you could know,
And I don't want to ever let you go.
So even if I'm just a friend,
I'll always love you until the end.

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...Last night was the best night of my life.

I can’t wait until we become man and wife.
Then we wouldn’t be making love in sin.
We could let our love flow within.
I love the taste of your sweet tender kiss,
This I don’t ever want to miss,
The way you hold me, oh, so tight,
You make everything seem just right.
I'm so happy that I have you.
My love for you is so very true.
So for now I will let the thought go,
Cause I just wanted you to know
That I love you so much my sweetheart
I don’t ever want us to be apart

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...

Don't say you love me unless you really mean it, because I might do something crazy like believe it.

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...True love comes only once in a lifetime

yet it lasts an eternity
It has the power to crush someone so deeply
while at the same time they know 
there’s no one else in the world they’d rather be with
True love will knock down the walls of difficulty 
to be with that special one
It will take your hand and fly over the world 
into a place where there’s no pain, no tears
True love will withstand the test of time,
forever waiting until its love is returned
It never fails, never dies, never lets go of the one they love, 

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“I wonder how many people don't get the one(Rana...?) they want, but end up with the one they're supposed to be with.”

Decent Image Scraps: Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“So she tasted the deep pain that is reserved only for the strong, just as she had tasted for a little while the deep happiness.”

Decent Image Scraps: Deepika

Decent Image Scraps: Deepika: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...I will give you the key of my heart

And when you enter
Irrigate the veins with all your love
Maintain it with your fidelity
Take care of it with all the tenderness
And it will be the opening
To our eternal love.

Decent Image Scraps: Rani

Decent Image Scraps: Rani: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“There's nothing wrong with enjoying looking at the surface of the ocean itself, except that when you finally see what goes on underwater,you realize that you've been missing the hole point of the ocean. Staying on the surface all the time is like going to the circus and staring at the outside of the tent.”

Decent Image Scraps: Aishwarya

Decent Image Scraps: Aishwarya: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“She's kind of a walking poem, she's this perfect beauty...but at the same time very deep, very smart.”

Decent Image Scraps: Deepika

Decent Image Scraps: Deepika: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“Love is breathing each other with all madness” 

Decent Image Scraps: Deepika

Decent Image Scraps: Deepika: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“Revealing of origin , evidence the existence of hidden pearls in mind which is addicted to imagine and thought as well.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Deepika

Decent Image Scraps: Deepika: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/..."Don't Leave me, 

To carry my body 
on my two feet 
I need you” 

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“For your love I have uprooted all my desires, I am no more demanding...” 

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“Love is when unknowingly I am moving to a world of no return, Where my desire and your fragrance together burn

all your thoughts in canvas of my mind and soul
turns in to a masterpiece as my life's aim and goal 
looks I am taken over and over away by you 
showering in me as a rain of you and only you” 

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“For me love is when I don't limit you, I put you on the rainbows......

beyond eternity of time and destiny ” 

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“I was in love when I felt your soul speaks in my Body ” 

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“I was in love when I felt your soul speaks in my Body ” 

Decent Image Scraps: Deepika

Decent Image Scraps: Deepika: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“Desire For Thee"

My desire to love thee
is just like a tree, 
must have one root
but several branches of fruit
I want to make you feel 
as if you are horizon i steal 
you are as free as wind 
where my love flows in swing
i see thee in glaze shadow around 
a graceful presence on passion ground
that is "THEE" you spark everywhere
Everywhere am far and near.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Priyanka

Decent Image Scraps: Priyanka: html code <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http:/...“Love is when Looking at a glance at you

I found laughter in my eyes, Thoughts turns into jewels Where luster of your aura dwells” 

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation

Decent Image Scraps: Girl Animation: html code“She left me millions of time, but I am holding her with every breath with same madness”

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls: html code <br><center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="h...All I ever wanted was to be part of your heart 

and for us to be together to never be apart.
No one else in the world could even compare, 
You’re perfect and so is this love we share.
We have so much more then I ever thought we would, 
I love you more then I thought I ever could.
I promise to give you all I have to give, 
I’ll do anything for you as long as I live.
In your eyes I see our present, future, and past, 
by the way you look at me I know we will last.
I hope that one day you will come to realize, 
how perfect you are when seen though my eyes. 

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls: html code <br><center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="h...“We at Apple had forgotten who we were. One way to remember who you are is to remember who your heroes are.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls: html code <br><center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="h...“If you remember yourself, you will remember me. I am always a part of you. I am your Rana''.

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls: html code <br><center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="h...What I Think

I'm pretty sure the timing is right

To tell you how I feel.

I think it's time to reveal to you

The secret that keeps my lips sealed.

I want to tell you

But I don't know how.

A good idea is what I wish

My mind would allow.

I guess I could try to put together a plan

That, in the end, would probably just sink.

But instead, tonight, I'm gonna find the courage

To just tell you what I think.

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls: html code <br><center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="h...“If you are facing some kind of temptation, remember that it is within your power to get the victory over it.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls: html code <br><center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="h...“A ma vie de coer entier.

Mon debut et ma fin. 
Se souvenir du passe, et qu'il ya un avenir. 

My whole heart for my whole life.
With an alpha and an omega: my beginning and my end.
Remember the past, and that there is a future.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls: html code <br><center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="h...“Stop falling for those who won't raise you up in the future.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls: html code <br><center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="h...Roses are red

violets are blue.
No one on this planet
can compare with you.

Your eyes and nose
And your pretty face.
Your more interesting than
The whole of space.

I can't believe
I'm speaking in rhyme.
I hope someday you will be mine.

Your mind and body
All rolled into one.
I'll have you in my hand,
Before this day is done.

Roses are red 
Violets are blue.
I hope you now know
I love you!

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls: html code <br><center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="h...“If I had my clone take a test for me, it’s likely I’d misspell my own name. And I’m terrible at remembering people’s names—even if that person is me.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls: html code <br><center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="h...Her eyes would melt my very soul

if I should stare that much,
she'd make me quiver down my veins
with every single touch..

Along with her angelic smile
and lips that tastes so sweet,
she sends me thund'ring rush of blood
that sweeps me off my feet..

Now if I stand so close and watch
how beautiful she is,
behold, I would not last without
surrend'ring to her kiss..

If I indulge myself too long
she'd take me to a dance,
and let the heavens paint the perfect
picture of romance..

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls: html code <br><center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="h...“Remember to breathe. It is after all, the secret of life.” 

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls: html code <br><center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="h...When I'm Around You

So many things,
run through my head.
When it comes to you,
and the things that you've said.

So many wonderful,
memories rush through.
When it comes to the person you are,
and the great things you do.

I cant take your face, smile, or laugh,
out of my mind.
I just cant do it,
when I know that your mine.

I love to look at the pictures,
of your oh so handsome face.
I can just imagine,
Your warm, loving embrace.

I really dont know,
what I would do.
If you werent around,
and if I wasnt with you.

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls

Decent Image Scraps: Beautiful Girls: html codeTo Love and Be Loved in Return

We were all born to love
and be loved in return.
We were all born wanting.
Wanting for someone to love
and be loved in return.
Simple as it may sound,
but it is really hard to do
To find someone to love
and will love you like you do.
Pain must be felt, and
Mistakes must be experienced
For us to have what we want and
For us to understand
the reason why we were all bornElt;br>