Saturday 31 October 2009

Rich Text Area.

Rich Text Area. : View Comments : View Comments: "Stay with me, love,
when dawn arrives;
kiss me like the morning rays.
Don't let the magic
we shared in the night
flitter with the light of day.

Stay with me
Be at my side.
We've not yet attained our noon.
Let's cast off the hands of time,
and dance beneath
a red lover's moon.

Stay with me
when the sky grows dim
and a zillion stars come alive
to play their evening song,
Touch me again and again.
Stay with me long."

Wednesday 28 October 2009 : View Comments : View Comments: "Love is going through thick and thin

Love is the center of a deep red rose,
Love is the bruise that never goes,
Love is the feeling your 2 in 1,
Love is the pain when they are gone.

Love is the footsteps after you walk,
Love is the voice behind your talk,
Love is knowing that they will be there,
When everything seems hard to bare.

Love is going through thick and thin,
Love is knowing together you will win.

Love is the wings on a fragile bird,
Love is sharing happy moments, you’ve both seen and heard."